Message From the President

I am very honored to be selected to serve as president of Congregation B’nai Tikvah Beth Israel. As a member of Congregation B’nai Tikvah Beth Israel since 2012, I consider myself truly lucky to find such a comfortable Jewish home over the past decade. Both of my sons have blossomed through our outstanding religious school from Kindergarten until their B’nai’ Mitzvah last year.
The main message that I want to convey to current and future congregants is: WE ARE BACK! I am proud of how our congregation overcame the challenges over the past two years. We look forward to re-establishing in person activities as well as continuing to leverage technology and lessons learned from the pandemic.
I pledge to continue the mission of CBTBI, by working to create a welcoming environment for the Jewish Community of Southern New Jersey. I am available and open to suggestions of how to serve our community and spread word of the wonderful activities we have to offer.
Thank you for your support,
Benjamin Negin
July 1, 2022 / 2 Tamuz 5782

Here to Help
We are here to answer any questions you may have about membership. We are happy to work with you and welcome you as a part of our community. Please contact us for more information.

Deeply Committed
We are committed to nurturing a welcoming environment for our synagogue community. We welcome all who are striving to learn more about Judaism and spirituality.

Affordable Dues
Our synagogue has one of the most affordable due structures in South Jersey, but we realize that not everyone can afford the full membership fee. We offer financial assistance to members who demonstrate need.

A Singular Purpose
The core purpose of a synagogue community is to provide a space for religious services and observances. Members come together for regular prayer services on Fridays and Saturdays, and special holiday celebrations. The CBTBI community is led by a rabbi, who acts as the spiritual leader, guiding the congregation in matters of faith, providing teachings, and offering pastoral care and support. CBTBI serves as a spiritual and social anchor for its members, providing a sense of identity, purpose, and belonging within the larger Jewish tradition.

Benjamin Negin

Rachel Dvash Schoenfeld

Wendy Marder
Education Director