Shabbat Services
Shabbat services are held at Congregation B’nai Tikvah Beth Israel every week of the year. Services are conducted in both Hebrew and English. Our prayer books include transliteration for those who don’t read Hebrew, as well as commentary on the prayers.
Friday Evening Services: 7 to 8 pm
Saturday Morning Services: 10 am to noon
Kinder Shabbat: Every second Friday at 6:15 pm
Our services are live-streamed on our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/cbtbi.
Shabbat Services
Shabbat services are regular worship gatherings held on the Jewish Sabbath, which begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Here’s an overview of what you might expect at a typical Shabbat service:
- Time and Setting: Shabbat services begin shortly before sunset on Friday evening and may continue until Saturday afternoon. They are held in the sanctuary of the synagogue, which is a sacred space dedicated to prayer and communal gatherings.
- Welcoming the Sabbath: The service begins with the lighting of candles to signify the entrance of the Sabbath. This is followed by reciting blessings over the candles and the wine (Kiddush).
- Songs and Psalms: Shabbat services are often filled with singing and chanting traditional prayers, psalms, and hymns. Many of these prayers are specific to Shabbat and reflect themes of rest, gratitude, and the sanctity of the day.
- Amidah (The Standing Prayer): A central part of the service is the Amidah, also known as the Shemoneh Esrei or “Eighteen Benedictions.” This is a series of silent and aloud prayers recited while standing. The Amidah includes blessings for different aspects of life, such as peace, wisdom, and healing.
- Torah Reading: On Shabbat mornings, a section from the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, is read publicly. The scroll is taken from the Ark (Aron Kodesh) and carried around the congregation before being read aloud.
- Sermon (D’var Torah): The rabbi or another member of the congregation may give a sermon or D’var Torah, offering insights, interpretations, and lessons from the Torah portion or the week’s reading.
- Musaf (Additional Service): Following the Torah reading, the Musaf service is conducted. This additional service is specific to Shabbat and includes prayers that highlight the special nature of the day.
- Conclusion: The service typically concludes with the Aleinu prayer, expressing the hope for the world to recognize God’s sovereignty, and the Mourner’s Kaddish, recited by those in mourning.
- Kiddush and Oneg: After the service, many congregations gather for a communal meal, often known as “Kiddush” or “Oneg Shabbat,” where they partake in festive foods and drinks to celebrate the Sabbath.
Shabbat services provide a meaningful opportunity for Jewish individuals and families to come together, engage in communal worship, study, and reflection, and experience a sense of connection to their faith and community. Since our synagogue does not follow one interpretation of Judaism, we strive to provide a welcoming space for all forms of Jewish worship. Please join us for our Shabbat services!